Carrot Cake Deluxe With Orange Icing



  • 1 1/4 cups grapeseed oil 
  • 2 cups firmly packed Dixie Crystals Light Brown Sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups grated carrots
  • 2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour*
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1/2 cup pecan pieces

    Orange Icing

    • *Spoon & Sweep method: Use a spoon to fill measuring cup with flour until required amount is obtained. Scooping measuring cup directly into flour bag will firmly pack flour resulting in too much flour required for recipe.


    1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
    2. Butter and flour, or using baking spray prepare a 9 or 10 inch tube pan, set aside.
    3. In a bowl mix oil and sugar until well mixed. Mix in eggs, vanilla, salt and cinnamon. Add grated carrots.
    4. Sift together flour and baking soda and add to above, add pecans. Pour batter into prepared pan and place in oven. Bake until center of cake bounces back when lightly pressed with a finger or a toothpick comes out clean. About 45 - 55 minutes. Let sit in pan for 10 minutes before removing.
    5. Turn cake out pan. Let cool.
    6. For icing, mix powdered sugar, orange juice and zest using a whisk and combine well. For a firmer icing use more powdered sugar.
    7. Pour icing onto the cooled cake and decorate as desired.
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    Apr 24, 2022

    I got this off the Dixie Crystal sugar about 50 years ago and my family just loved it always added extra carrots and extra pecans it didn't put no ice in on it and they just loved it. My daughter asked me for that recipe a couple weeks ago and I looked and looked and couldn't find it so I decided to go to Dixie Crystal and find it cuz I want to make it again it was so good and I haven't made it in quite a few years. It was the best moist cake

    Bree Hester
    Mar 04, 2014

    Very moist and I like that it uses oil instead of butter. Really fast to mix together.

    Pastel de Zanahoria con Glaseado de Naranja



    • 1 1/4 taza aceite (Semilla de uva, oliva [no extra virgen] o canola)
    • 2 tazas bien empacada Dixie Crystals Azúcar Morena Clara
    • 4 huevos grandes
    • 1 cucharadita vainilla
    • 2 cucharaditas canela
    • 1 cucharadita sal
    • 3 tazas zanahorias ralladas
    • 2 1/3 taza harina multiuso (Spoon and sweep method*)
    • 2 cucharaditas bicarbonato de soda
    • 1/2 taza pedacitos de pacanas

    Glaseado dulce de naranja:

    • 1 1/2 taza Dixie Crystals Azúcar en Polvo Confeccionar
    • 3 cucharadas jugo concentrado de naranja o jugo regular
    • 1 cucharada ralladura de naranja, sin la parte blanca
    • Albaricoques secos, coco rallado o pacanas para decorar como desee

    Para la hacer las tiras de zanahoria:

    • *Método de cuchara y barrido: use una cuchara para llenar la taza de medir con harina hasta obtener la cantidad requerida. Si coloca la taza de medir directamente en la bolsa de harina, empacará la harina con firmeza y se necesitará demasiada harina para la receta.


    1. Caliente el horno a 350º F.
    2. Engrase y empolve o use un spray para preparar un molde de tubo de 9 o 10 pulgadas y póngalo a un lado.
    3. En un tazón mezcle el aceite y la azúcar hasta que estén bien mezclados. Añada los huevos, la vainilla, la sal y la canela. Añada las zanahorias ralladas.
    4. Cierta untos la harina y el bicarbonato de soda y añádaselo a los ingredientes de arriba. Añada las pacanas. Vierta la mezcla en el molde y hornee. Hornee hasta que el centro rebote al ser apretado o cuando un palillo de dientes introducido en el centro salga limpio, alrededor de 45 a 55 minutos. Déjelo en el molde por 10 minutos antes de sacarlo.
    5. Saque el pastel del molde. Déjelo enfriar.
    6. Para el glaseado: mezcle la azúcar en polvo, el jugo de naranja y la ralladura de naranja usando un batidor de alambre y combine bien. Para obtener un baño mas espeso use más azúcar en polvo.
    7. Vierta el baño dulce sobre el pastel frío y decore como desee.
    Calificar y Reseñar
    Apr 24, 2022

    I got this off the Dixie Crystal sugar about 50 years ago and my family just loved it always added extra carrots and extra pecans it didn't put no ice in on it and they just loved it. My daughter asked me for that recipe a couple weeks ago and I looked and looked and couldn't find it so I decided to go to Dixie Crystal and find it cuz I want to make it again it was so good and I haven't made it in quite a few years. It was the best moist cake

    Bree Hester
    Mar 04, 2014

    Very moist and I like that it uses oil instead of butter. Really fast to mix together.
