Cream Cheese Mints





  1. Mix cream cheese, peppermint extract and powdered sugar in a large bowl until well blended.
  2. Divide in mixture in thirds. Color with food coloring of choice, or leave white, if desired.
  3. Shape each sugar mixture into a large square approximately 1/2 inch in height. Using a knife or fondant cutters, cut into 1-inch squares. Dip each square into sugar. Let dry for 2 hours.
  4. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.
Dixie Crystals Insight

Note: May use molds to make mints or shape into round ball if desired.  Mints are also delicious dipped in milk or dark chocolate.

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Bree Hester
May 20, 2014

So good! So easy to make! Perfect for the holidays or a shower. You can make them any color you like to fit your occasion.

Mentas de Queso Crema





  1. Mezcle el queso crema, extracto de menta y azúcar en polvo en un envase grande hasta que todo esté bien combinado.
  2. Divida la mezcla en 3 partes. Coloree con el colorante de comida de su elección, o déjelo en blanco, si así lo desea.
  3. Haga forma de un cuadrado grande de aproximadamente 1/2 pulgada de altura con cada mezcla. Usando un cuchillo o un cortador de masa de Fondant, corte en cuadritos de 1 pulgada. Coloque cada cuadrito en azúcar. Deje secar por 2 horas.
  4. Guarde en un contenedor sellado al vacio por hasta 1 semana.
Dixie Crystals Insight

Note: May use molds to make mints or shape into round ball if desired.  Mints are also delicious dipped in milk or dark chocolate.

Calificar y Reseñar
Bree Hester
May 20, 2014

So good! So easy to make! Perfect for the holidays or a shower. You can make them any color you like to fit your occasion.
